A Special Thank You from the deaf children at The Carel Du Toit Centre
On behalf of the children and teachers of the “Carel du Toit Centre” I would like to acknowledge receipt of and to thank you for the donation of suitable lockable book cupboards, through the GreaterGoodSA “Donate a Book” Project. To have a safe place to store the books will ensure that the books last for many years to come.
To have been afforded the opportunity to be a beneficiary of the Donate-a-Book Project has been a wonderful experience. The books and wall posters that were supplied by Biblionef are of excellent quality and suitable for the children who range in age from 18 months to 7 years old.
What a lovely opportunity to meet with the GGSA representative Corne Booysen, and the Donor- Ruby Lipshitz. The children enjoy having visitors and are very proud to show off their cochlear implant apparatus- which we fondly refer to as “their Ears”. The wonderful world of technology brings sound to the deaf just like books open the wonder of our world to children as they learn about life and the world they live in.
You truly bring meaning to the phrase I use to end Thank you letters! “To give a gift for hearing is to give a gift for LEARNING!”
The impact that the donation has had on the Centre and on the children. What the children learned-
To sit still and wait their turn
To look and listen to what the teacher was saying
To listen to the chosen story as well as look at all the new pictures
To take turns to look at one book at a time, initially this proved to be rather difficult for one or two of the children and they dissolved into tears, well all a learning curve
Lastly after all the excitement it was time to pack away the books, this too is a learning experience as they grasped the concept that the books needed to be picked
up and not left lying on the floor, never before had they had so many books to look at, at one time
To develop good speech and communication skills by the time the child is of school going age is very important in equipping them to enter normal skills in the future. Their Cochlear
Implants and or Hearing Aids are their link to the world of sound. What the teachers gained form this donation-
To have access to good quality and appropriate books for a “book corner” in each classroom and a suitable cupboard to store them in is greatly appreciated
To have books suitable for the weekly themes as resources in the library makes it easier for the teachers to select and plan their lessons
Speech Therapists and Occupational Therapists who offer their services to the Centre will also be encouraged to utilize the resources
Books have been catalogued and lists mad available to the teaching staff
The teachers really appreciate the good book resources and join the children in saying a hearty thank you for the wonderful donation.
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