Cause: Ubambiswano |
There are a number of items required for the efficient running of the Mobile Library and Daveyton Educational Programme that might be possible for sponsors to provide. This would allevaite some of the pressure of expenses that we face that drain our funding. These items are as follows: DEP Breakfast and lunch requirements for 96 children for 30 saturdays of the year Fruit - 100 pieces of fruit each week for 30 saturdays 96 swimming costumes 96 swimming towels 30 swimming caps Workbooks for each of the children in the various subjects - English, Maths, Computer Skills, Science Readers Art supplies Printer cartridges photostat machine digital camera (to assist with reporting) MOBILE LIBRARY Fuel for the bus Books Plastic and sellotape for covering books |
On going - Covering and catloguing books |
Asssit the mobile library with covering and cataloguing books and placing them correctly in the warehouse. |
If you want to pledge your time to this cause explore these items: |
Covering and catloguing books