Bethesda Special School is located in Rosslyn in the North West. Many of the children are mentally and physically challenged. The school is well resourced due to fund raising efforts and contributions by business and is very well managed and looked after. The project leader, Helen, has a great challenge integrating permaculture into the lives of these children with severe learning disabilities and to her credit, she is succeeding. The school gardens are huge and productive and the quality of the vegetables is high but there is continued need for training and a need to support surrounding under-served communities.
How will it be accomplished?
The gardens are large and the assistance of the volunteers in the preparation of the new beds for spring will be greatly appreciated. This will give the school a head start in the new planting season.
Beneficiaries: who are they?
Our children and surrounding communities.
What are the key challenges you foresee?
All we need is for the volunteers to purchase a tree for R70 and help us plant it at the school.
What will it take to achieve this?
Your time and R70 to purchase a tree. We would like to plant 50 trees which means that the budget for the day would work out to R3500.00.