An architect is needed for redesign ideas for the Centre for Early Childhood Development’s office and grounds space at 20 Rosmead Avenue.
How will it be accomplished?
CECD has outgrown its office space and needs to expand out and up. In addition to more offices for the staff, a training room and computer lab is required for ECD trainees. An architect who can come to the office at 20 Rosmead Avenue in Claremont is required to spend the day exploring the grounds, talking to staff about needs and drawing the necessary plans.
Beneficiaries: who are they?
CECD will benefit directly, as their work will become more efficient and effective when housed in an office space large enough and fully equipped. In turn, the many teachers and young children CECD works with will receive improved service delivery.
What are the key challenges you foresee?
Making the day work.
What will it take to achieve this?
No cost, one architect to spend as much of the day at 20 Rosmead Avenue office, talking with staff, assessing building needs and drawing architectual sketches. CECD will provide lunch.